


Helping Doctors in finding the right healthcare facility to perform surgeries

Helping Doctors in finding the right healthcare facility to perform surgeries


Oct 2023 - Apr 2024


UX, Strategy, Research



Indians from middle-income groups often rely on local clinics for their primary healthcare needs, turning to larger healthcare facilities only for major medical issues. They depend heavily on doctors' guidance for significant surgeries due to a lack of preparedness, which brings challenges such as anxiety, extensive planning, and financial strain for both the patient and the Surgeon.
Indians from middle-income groups often rely on local clinics for their primary healthcare needs, turning to larger healthcare facilities only for major medical issues. They depend heavily on doctors' guidance for significant surgeries due to a lack of preparedness, which brings challenges such as anxiety, extensive planning, and financial strain for both the patient and the Surgeon.
This presents an opportunity to streamline and enhance the efficiency of coordination between patients, doctors, and healthcare facilities, easing the burden and improving the overall healthcare experience.
This presents an opportunity to streamline and enhance the efficiency of coordination between patients, doctors, and healthcare facilities, easing the burden and improving the overall healthcare experience.



We made things easier for the doctor by splitting their primary workload between two teams, namely:
We made things easier for the doctor by splitting their primary workload between two teams, namely:



  • Collate and share information between patients and hospitals.

  • Collate and share information between patients and hospitals.

  • Provide patient counseling and guide them through the medical process and updates.

  • Provide patient counseling and guide them through the medical process and updates.



  • Visit their assigned doctors to maintain strong relationships and to gather patient leads.

  • Visit their assigned doctors to maintain strong relationships and to gather patient leads.

  • Serve as the primary point of contact for doctors to share updates and get confirmations.

  • Serve as the primary point of contact for doctors to share updates and get confirmations.



The primary goal of this MVP was to generate revenue without incurring costs for technology or resources, and WhatsApp proved to be the ideal platform for this purpose.
The primary goal of this MVP was to generate revenue without incurring costs for technology or resources, and WhatsApp proved to be the ideal platform for this purpose.


Doctors share their patient leads via WhatsApp to the Backpackers group.


The lead gets shared from the Backpackers group to another WhatsApp group with Counselors and Process Managers.


Counselors pick their assigned cases, begin counseling the patient, and answer any questions they might have.


Separate WhatsApp groups are maintained for each partnered hospital to facilitate direct exchange of information.


Counselors forward the treatment prices back to the Backpackers’ WhatsApp group for confirmation.


Once the hospital is finalized, the Counselor collects additional documents from the patient for pre-authorization.



The WhatsApp MVP performed excellently, providing enough validation to justify investing in a comprehensive dashboard and mobile app for this product.
The WhatsApp MVP performed excellently, providing enough validation to justify investing in a comprehensive dashboard and mobile app for this product.


Surgeries Performed


Registered Doctors


Hospitals Onboarded

2.3 Cr


  1. Lead creation

  1. Lead creation

VC doctors share patient leads with their assigned Backpacker via WhatsApp or in person. The Backpackers then enter all relevant details into our system using their dedicated mobile app.

VC doctors share patient leads with their assigned Backpacker via WhatsApp or in person. The Backpackers then enter all relevant details into our system using their dedicated mobile app.

  1. Patient counselling and pricing discovery

  1. Patient counselling and pricing discovery

A counselor connects with the patient to guide them and verify their information. They then share the details with hospital admins via WhatsApp to obtain surgery prices and other necessary information.

A counselor connects with the patient to guide them and verify their information. They then share the details with hospital admins via WhatsApp to obtain surgery prices and other necessary information.

  1. Hospital confirmation

  1. Hospital confirmation

Backpackers relay surgery prices and details from hospitals to the VC doctor and patient to finalize the choice of hospital and ward for the surgery.

Backpackers relay surgery prices and details from hospitals to the VC doctor and patient to finalize the choice of hospital and ward for the surgery.

  1. Pre-Authorization and OT Booking

  1. Pre-Authorization and OT Booking

After hospital confirmation, necessary documents are gathered for insurance pre-authorization. Once approved and details like room rent cap and co-payments are confirmed, the operating theater (OT) is booked for the surgery.

What could we improve for the next version

The Whatsapp MVP was to get the idea validated, this dashboard was about giving a clear structure to the existing process. For the next version we would:


Dedicated doctor app

Dedicated doctor app

Introducing a dedicated product for partnered doctors, enabling them to seamlessly share patient leads, take actions, and track case progress directly from their app. This eliminates the need for intervention from Backpackers.

Introducing a dedicated product for partnered doctors, enabling them to seamlessly share patient leads, take actions, and track case progress directly from their app. This eliminates the need for intervention from Backpackers.


A dashboard for hospitals

A dashboard for hospitals

Implementing a dashboard for our partnered hospitals, focused on obtaining surgery prices, initiating registrations, and booking OT rooms. This eliminates dependence on WhatsApp for communication between doctors and hospitals.

Implementing a dashboard for our partnered hospitals, focused on obtaining surgery prices, initiating registrations, and booking OT rooms. This eliminates dependence on WhatsApp for communication between doctors and hospitals.


A unified system

A unified system

Currently we have a different product for the post-discharge flow and Insurance claims, we would ideally want to merge the two products it into one, further improving the efficiency for the team and providing a complete visibility for doctors and hospitals

Currently we have a different product for the post-discharge flow and Insurance claims, we would ideally want to merge the two products it into one, further improving the efficiency for the team and providing a complete visibility for doctors and hospitals

Key Learning

This project at Ayu Health was truly special to me. I got to learn a lot by talking to doctors, patients, and hospital staff. One big lesson I took away from this experience was the importance of Working with constraints.


Effortless transition

Effortless transition

Knowing that the team was well adapted to the Whatsapp process, we had to build our new dashboard around the existing mental modals, ensuring a seamless transition.

Knowing that the team was well adapted to the Whatsapp process, we had to build our new dashboard around the existing mental modals, ensuring a seamless transition.


Product adoption

Product adoption

It would have been difficult to convince doctors and hospitals to use our products, so we had to build our operations and process tailored to their needs.

It would have been difficult to convince doctors and hospitals to use our products, so we had to build our operations and process tailored to their needs.

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